(You wouldn’t be much of a Saints Row boss without wheels and a gun, apparently.) You can transform ordinary objects like foam finger-guns into high-powered blasters, and you can add rainbow rims or a flaming paint job to your getaway car. Then there are the options for weapons and vehicles, also included in Boss Factory. And, of course, there are plenty of makeup palettes and outfits to sort through as well. Saints Row will also include the option for asymmetrical face designs, like a tattoo or a scar or lipstick smear on just one side. Volition has already revealed tons of information about the depth of Saints Row’s character customization, which allows for multiple body types (including prosthetic limbs), hairstyles, and skin tones, including both natural colors and more vibrant hues and metallic textures. Each character will have a unique code to identify them, allowing players to share the look they designed - even across platforms.

The characters created in Boss Factory can be used in Saints Row once it’s out, but you can show them off before then. They said that in an interview and people have misread it as if Saints Row 4 was supposed to be that DLC. The forthcoming installment in the action-adventure open-world series will be available to play on PlayStation 4, PlayStation 5, Windows PC, Xbox One, and Xbox Series X, and Saints Row Boss Factory is available on those platforms as well. Volition made a superhero themed DLC for Saints Row 3 (The Trouble with the Clones) and that inspired them to make Saints Row 4 that way. Saints Row Boss Factory is a pre-release download that’s now available on all platforms, concurrent with its announcement at Thursday’s Summer Game Fest livestream. 23 - but you can go ahead and design your character right now. Volition’s upcoming reboot of Saints Row, titled simply Saints Row, won’t be available until Aug.